We are pleased and honored to welcome the wine of Shun Minowa, a 37-year-old Japanese winemaker, graduated in biology from the University of Tokyo and moved permanently to Travo, a town in the beautiful Val Trebbia when he was only 33 years old.
We could dwell on his personal story, but for that we refer you to the splendid article on Vice, we limit ourselves to reporting part of the interview that best makes you understand the soul of the winemaker: "I fell in love with this world because every single wine is different; the characteristics that a wine has come from the climate, from the soil and from all the hands that have worked it....the wine records all its history, right? There are not so many interesting things around in my opinion. to the work that bacteria and fungi do, which are fundamental to create the great diversity of wines. There is not only the terroir, but thanks to microorganisms the variety of wines becomes even richer. Wine is like a hymn for beings 'different' and it's for this reason that - of course - I have to make wine without using SO2 (sulfur dioxide), to ensure the potential personality of the wine, a personality expressed by all microorganisms, which I do not want to alter ".
Shun we love you!!!
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